
Sunday's comin

One thing I've been seeing, as I talk to more and more people on an intimate level, is that this world is broken. In all honesty, I feel as though everyone I know has recently lost someone, is in the process, or has a loved one who has just been diagnosed with cancer. I say this not to make sarcastic remarks at the situation but rather point out just how broken this world is. I was given the opportunity to pray in front of my school today in chapel. I pointed out how we superficially pretend everything is so great! Yet we are not called only to suffer, for Christ has come and succeeded in presenting us with the resurrection and life, and that more abundantly. Yet he also calls us to sacrifice. What do we do, O God, when the affects of sin are so present they appear tangible? But God answers our question with such a response: "Where do you turn your eyes to, beloved?"

Understand this age in the context of the days of Christ's persecution and crucifixion. The disciples have ditched him, the soldiers are mocking, sin appears victorious, the women are weeping, Satan is laughing, the Father has even turned His face away... But it is only Friday.

That is it. Simply put - It is only Friday.... Sunday's coming. One day Christ will return. One day He WILL conquer, again and for the last time.
I feel the cliche statement offered by elder pastors holds water here: this world is not our home. Find comfort in the life to come as it comes now. I feel that Christ has died for us to live, here and now. Yet it is not complete until that day when Sunday truly comes and Christ completely reconciles the world to Himself.
This world is not our home.